Saturday, March 12, 2011

First Kerdieekrdaad Series

Kerdieekrdaad, sounds just how it looks. What is it? It's a collaborative curiosity  comprised of the charmingly cantankerous Jacqueline K Maloney and myself. Kerdieekrdaad is becoming a lot of things, but one thing it will never be is jaded. This is my first studio relationship (LOTS more to come on that, I promise) and the brain children are doing just fine. 

Here is the first work Jackie and I did together as Kerdieekrdaad. The series happened out of immense respect for each other's work (maybe a touch of envy in there), a blase opinion about our own work, and general exhaustion. I never thought that working together would be such a powerful experience. 

And look at us now--making a big ol' art baby together. We are able to make things together that neither of us could ever do on our own.

It's like finding a long term partner in a fuck buddy.

If you're reading this, Jackie (you better be reading this, Jackie. If you're not, no one is), know that I had no idea. I could not have imagined being so invigorated, excited and comforted by a studio practice. That's all you, my friend.

More to come soon. Keep that in mind.

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