Monday, May 2, 2011

Thesis. Sweet Thesis.

Hello big world,

Bri, here. It's been a while, I know. Jackie and I have been building and breaking and tearing and gluing and thinking and sputtering and now, finally, we have something to show for it. Our installation, The Fuhrnace, the Baby and the Bathwater, is done, and it is our most honest moment. We have been working very hard and I can say with much certainty that our efforts have yielded a piece that we are so very proud of.

We hope you enjoy it, and if you're in the Philadelphia area, we hope you can come over and see it in person. Where and when you ask? Well, let me tell you:

Moore College of Art and Design
20th St and the Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Main Lobby Window
April 27- May 14

This is a big moment for Jackie and I. It's the first time we have worked together on something so large in physical and conceptual scale. Plus, after working so closely together on something so personal, we still love each other. No blow ups, no grudges, just an earnest attempt to make something genuine.


We will be adding writings about this piece soon, so check back soon.

The piece is, essentially, about the power of myth, and what it means to create one's own.

Love to you all,


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